Episode 8: Unconventional Success with Niyc Pidgeon: Unlock More Joy, Power And Wealth

“People think ‘I’m just going to accept feeling like I feel. I’m gonna accept feeling tired, or feeling sad.’ And yes, we want to feel a full range of emotions. We’re human. But you can feel stronger, happier, and healthier than ever before.”

In this episode of Oh, Hi Self, Sandra has Niyc Pidgeon, an award-winning positive psychologist, multi-million dollar business mentor, and best-selling author on the podcast. This episode centers on Niyc’s journey from a difficult and traumatic childhood to her healing process and current success in business and how you can learn from her experiences to unlock what she has for yourself.

You will learn about:

  1. Niyc’s journey from a traumatic childhood experience of bullying to becoming an award-winning positive psychologist, multi-million dollar business mentor, and best-selling author.
  2. The healing process that led to her success in business and a virtual call with Richard Branson and Elon Musk that left Musk in tears.
  3. How Niyc embodies the idea of unconventional success and authenticity, and how her business and life are an expression of who she is at her core.

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