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Podcast with Sandra Possing

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Do you ever feel like you’ve ticked all the boxes of who you’re supposed to be and how you’re supposed to live, but… something is still missing? Meet Sandra Possing, life coach and host of “Oh, Hi Self”, a personal development podcast full of practical tips and tools, expert interviews, and unconventional success stories. She is on a mission to bring you back home to who you are and help you create an extraordinary life you love, on your own terms.


Sandra Possing

Life Coach, Speaker & Entrepreneur
Helping you unleash your inner badass.

My official coach and leadership development training happened at The Coaches Institute. But I believe I was meant for this work long before. When I think back to what I was most drawn to as a young person, it was non-fiction self help books or mystical stories like the Celestine Prophecy. 

My name literally means “helper of mankind”! And I was always the friend that people wanted to confide in. This work is in my blood. It is my soul, my calling, my purpose in the world. 

So when I’m supporting my clients, whether through 1:1 coaching, live group programs, DIY online courses, or just in the content I share on social media every day, I am just speaking my truth and sharing my heart. 


Sandra Possing

Life Coach, Speaker & Entrepreneur
Helping you unleash your inner badass.

My official coach and leadership development training happened at The Coaches Institute. But I believe I was meant for this work long before. When I think back to what I was most drawn to as a young person, it was non-fiction self help books or mystical stories like the Celestine Prophecy. 

My name literally means “helper of mankind”! And I was always the friend that people wanted to confide in. This work is in my blood. It is my soul, my calling, my purpose in the world. 

So when I’m supporting my clients, whether through 1:1 coaching, live group programs, DIY online courses, or just in the content I share on social media every day, I am just speaking my truth and sharing my heart. 

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